PASECO SP Ltd, est. in 1999, provides a wide spectrum of services and expertise in environmental science, technology, planning and management to public and private, local and international clients. Services include: development of environmental policies / strategies, atmospheric pollution abatement, air quality assessment, noise/ vibrations management & abatement plans, environmental monitoring (water, air noise), industrial pollution abatement, environmental project & program management, eevelopment of EMS (EMAS, ISO 14000), environmental & social impact assessment, strategic environmental assessment, environmental modelling & simulation, EDD, EH&S, risk & liability assessments, major accidents prevention plans (Seveso Directive), river basin management plans, design of water supply systems, sewage networks, water, wastewater treatment and sludge treatment plants, flood protection studies, waste characterization & minimization studies, assessment of waste management technologies, reduction /prevention of waste production, solid waste collection & transport studies, waste management plans, landfill sitting, design of solid waste disposal infrastructure, design of material recycling plants (MRF), incineration plants (WIP), mechanical, biological treatment plants (MBT), design of landfill rehabilitation, management plans for special types of waste (sludge, hazardous waste, medical waste), design of remediation of polluted sites, urban environmental planning, management of protected areas, coastal zone management. PASECO has significant international experience mainly in the Balkan, Mediterranean and ex-USSR countries.
Featured Services
In addition to all global services, our featured services are:
Case Studies
