No matter the industry a company operates in, all businesses use water in some capacity. This means they need to be aware of their water usage, conservation and potential impacts. Water can be an extremely complex resource to manage. A specific water source never feeds one company alone but a multitude of different stakeholders located in a common catchment area. It is vital to step outside a site’s physical perimeter to truly understand, address and mitigate water-related vulnerabilities and challenges that could potentially limit or influence business productivity. We help clients safeguard the environment on all water related issues using our global specialists, from geologists to industrial specialists. We look at water from the time it drops from the sky as a rain drop, to its intake into production processes, to eventual reuse. We ensure good quality and quantity of water for businesses and look at all environmental impacts associated with water use.
Have a question or need consultation in regards to Water Stewardship/Conservation? Contact a consultant below.
A Holistic Water Management Approach
In Inogen Alliance we truly believe in working hand in hand with Clients to reach ever more ambitious targets: efficiency and water quality are a great starting point, but the commitment to water stewardship principles is a further steppingstone to developing an integrated and more meaningful system towards a more sustainable future, without leaving anyone behind.

Our Global Specialists Help You Effectively Save Water.
Learn more about Water Stewardship and Conservation through Inogen Alliance.
At Inogen Alliance we not only have the technical expertise after decades of working on water conservation with clients around the globe including 300 of the most important watersheds, but we also have the financial modeling and tools to assess risk and come to innovative solutions. From stakeholder engagement in global operations we help businesses truly understand their water resources and outputs including quantity, quality, source and entire lifecycle. On a global scale but at a local level where our consultants are experts on local landscapes, history and regulations we can put these strategies into practice. The local lens is important in water conservation and social risk to a company where the perception is local and the culture around water is unique to each country. We are proactive with our approach to water conservation, we can’t just plan for the short term but need to measure and understand what will likely happen in the future to help prevent potential disaster.
Water Stewardship and Conservation Consulting Services Include:
- AWS (Alliance for Water Stewardship) Certification Support
- Corporate Water Stewardship Commitments, Strategy and Plans
- Trainings (Water Optimization, Water Stewardship)
- Water Footprint, Water Neutrality and Water Circularity
- Water Reuse and Recycling Design
- Water Infrastructures Management & Maintenance
- Facility Inspections, Record-Keeping, and Reporting
- Facility Portfolio Data Analytics (Monitoring, Management)
- Facility Water Optimization
- Water Risk Assessments and Monetization
- Water Source Vulnerability Assessments (SVA's)
- Flood Risk Assessments and Mitigation Plans
- Nature Based Water Conservation Solutions
- Indirect Water Use in Supply Chains
- Stakeholder Mapping & Engagement
- Hydrogeological and Site Water Balance Studies
- Hydrological Characterization & Modelling
- Engineering & Monitoring Services for Watershed & Water Source Protection
- Facility Water Optimization, Water Data Management & Performance Analytics
- Gap Assessments (Water Efficiency, Water Footprint, Water Stewardship)
- ISO 46001 - Water Efficiency Management Systems
- Legal & Regulatory Requirement Compliance
- Reporting and Disclosure
- Freshwater Biodiversity Assessment
Key results:
- Improved water efficiency and reuse
- Cleaner and safer water in the total lifecycle of products or workplace processes
- Better understanding of water quantity needed and planning for the future
"Being part of the team that contributed to this important report has been a truly rewarding experience. Water security is not just about infrastructure and policy—it is about people, livelihoods, and sustainable development. Working closely with national institutions, we were able to reflect both the challenges and the potential of each country. Seeing our collective efforts form the foundation for the engagement of national governments in the region with the World Bank is a testament to the power of collaboration and expertise. At HYDROPHIL, we believe that transforming knowledge into real-world impact is the key to creating resilient water systems and a better future for all."
A Blueprint for Resilience: Charting the Course for Water Security in Europe and Central Asia

The coverage provided by this international and investigative study, focusing on the Danube Region as well as on many former Soviet countries, highlights the ability of Hydrophil, associated partners, and of the Inogen Alliance to conduct and implement complex investigations in international settings and across several regions, while also informing global policy makers.
A unified document that encapsulates the complex narrative of regional water security is lacking. The Europe and Central Asia Water Security Initiative was launched, and a comprehensive assessment was undertaken to illuminate the various challenges and opportunities that lie on the path to achieving water security and catalyze a much-needed holistic dialogue across disparate sectors and institutions. The escalating threats posed by climate change underscore the urgency of this endeavour. By enhancing our understanding of the region’s prevailing situation, more cohesive, strategic, and adaptive responses can be forged, and as feasible, the adverse impacts of climate change can be mitigated. Addressing the pressing constraints in governance, infrastructure, and funding is pivotal for advancing the region’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Central to this advancement is the management of water related risks, which is integral to effective climate-change adaptation and mitigation strategies aimed at diminishing vulnerabilities and fortifying resilience across the region. To navigate these challenges and secure a water-resilient future, fostering robust collaborations among regional stakeholders, water practitioners, and policy makers is fundamental.