Completing Global Health & Safety Legal Registers
The client reached out to Antea Group to discuss a request for legal registers detailing the Health & Safety (H&S) requirements for their office spaces located in five countries and four states/provinces around the world.
The desired outcome of this project was to provide the client with comprehensive legal registers for five countries and four states/provinces where their offices are located. They intended to use this information to track global H&S requirements for their offices in their new internal tool. As part of the request, the client provided a legal register format so the results could be uploaded to their internally developed tool.
Countries and states/provinces included New South Wales, Australia, Victoria, Australia, Brazil, British Colombia, Canada, Ontario, Canada, France, and Ireland. Antea Group had a limited amount of time to engage with their Inogen Alliance Associates to develop and finalize the legal registers for each country.
Due to the global scope of the project, Antea Group USA engaged their Inogen Alliance Associates to complete this work. Work orders were issued to each partner detailing the project and Antea Group conducted a group training call to answer any questions regarding the scope and deliverable. Once the draft registers were returned to Antea Group, health and safety professionals reviewed and finalized the legal registers before submitting to the client for review.
The regional expertise of Inogen Alliance Associates was imperative in the success of this project. Microsoft Teams allowed team members around the world to work together collaboratively to discuss the scope of work and deliver results.
All seven of the requested legal registers were finalized and submitted to the client in a timely fashion. The quick turnaround of these documents allowed the client to use the information provided in their new internal tool.
Global Technology Client