Detailed Engineering Design for landfills
Inogen Alliance Associate EnviroSolutions & Consulting (ESC) was appointed by IndII (Indonesia Infrastructure Initiave ) in 2009 to undertake Detailed Engineering Design (DED) for the Regional Solid Waste Disposal Site (RSWDS) Mamminasata in South Sulwesi Province, Indonesia, as part of the efforts to improve solid waste management by requiring regional governments to comply with Law no. 18/2008 on waste management by the Government of Indonesia (GOI).
As part of the development of a pioneer regional facility, deliverables included Detailed Engineering Design (DED) for the landfill, leachate treatment plant, sorting & composting facilities and support buildings. Specifications for the procurement of vehicles & heavy equipment for the landfill operation were also prepared along with prequalification and bid documents.
The development of the DED has helped the AusAID funded Indonesia Infrastructure Initiative assisted the Directorate General of Human Settlements (DGHS) to initiate the physical construction of the TPA with loan assistance from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).
"Preparation of the Mamminasata DED was essential to comply with Law no. 18/2008 and meet our ultimate goal of improving public health and environmental quality. Once the construction is complete, the commitment of the Local Government will be key to good waste management in the region. The facility is expected to become a pilot for solid waste management in Indonesia." – Ir. Sjukrul Amien, MM Director of Environmental Sanitation Development Directorate General of Human Settlements Ministry of Public Works