EHS Compliance in 151 operating facilities in North America
A national marketer and distributor of foodservice products, requested assistance with a corporate-wide assessment of their compliance with OSHA Process Safety Management (PSM), USEPA Risk Management Program (RMP) and EHS risk across 151 operating facilities in the USA and Canada. The facilities used anhydrous ammonia or Freon refrigeration systems for warehousing and delivery of products. Inogen through Antea Group was given approximately nine months to develop the audit program, perform the audits and deliver the final audit reports to the individual facilities, as well as provide an overall EHS compliance picture to Corporate.
Inogen Alliance Associates, led by Antea Group , developed a team of 18 auditors located across the USA and Canada. The audit protocols were designed to assess the compliance of the individual operating companies with the applicable federal and state and provincial regulations throughout North America, as well as conformance with Corporate
EHS standards. This required Inogen Alliance through Antea Group to create a set of customized audit protocols specifically tailored for ammonia and Freon refrigeration facilities. This included the development of five separate protocols for OSHA PSM compliance, USEPA RMP compliance, overall EHS requirements and conformance with Corporate EHS standards. A similar set of audit protocols were developed for the nineteen operating companies located in Canada. The audits were tailored to assess individual facility compliance with specific national, territorial and provincial requirements.
Antea Group developed protocols, reports and audit tracking systems specific to the Corporate audit program using iEHS®. iEHS® was used by the audit team to catalog collected pre-audit information, enter audit findings and recommendations, allow peer review and comparison of findings between auditors, track audit findings, generate audit reports including regulatory citations in a standardized format, and develop a scoring system. iEHS® provided a standardized structure for the audit team and allowed Corporate to review audit results in real-time and organize audit results by audit category, finding type, finding priority or by operating company.
All 151 audits were performed within the allotted time frame and final reports submitted to the individual operating companies. As a result of the audits, the client now has detailed information regarding individual operating company compliance as well as an overall picture of the major issues that need to be addressed on a corporate-wide basis.