Extended Producer Responsibility Registers for 27 Countries
This confidential Tech client was focused on obtaining regulatory/legal requirements of global Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) obligations in order to better manage associated product liabilities worldwide through regulatory data & intel enhancements. During Q3 of 2019, Antea Group was tasked with developing EPR registers for 27 countries throughout the EMEA, LAD, and APAC regions.
- EPR is an environmental policy strategy that extends a producer’s responsibility of managing a product all the way through the end-of-use (post-consumer) stage. This is realized by:
- shifting responsibility upstream toward the producer and away from municipalities; and
- provisioning of financial incentives to producers to take into account environmental considerations when designing their products.
- EPR legislation covered in this project comprised a wide variety of post-consumer products and associated packaging under the following categories: WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment); Batteries; Packaging (e.g., Plastics, Cardboard, textiles, etc.); and, other streams as applicable (e.g., paper, bottles, light tubes, furniture, chemicals, paint, tires, etc.).
Inogen Solution
- Antea®Group USA managed the project and associated tasks, including:
- Global project kick-off training with local consultants involving multiple WebEx trainings to accommodate time zone differences,
- Tracking registers to completion using a GANTT Chart,
- Technical review QA/QC, final formatting and download to client platform, and
- Liaising with client.
- Local Inogen Alliance partners covering each of the 27 countries provided an English summary addressing not only national, but (where applicable) regional/state/provincial and local jurisdictional EPR regulations.
- The content of each EPR Register included (where applicable) the following details for each legislation reviewed:
- Legislation title,
- Applicability status (to client),
- Legislation hyperlinks,
- Key definitions,
- A regulatory summary,
- Government agency/regulator information,
- effective date,
- Required interactions with federal and subnational jurisdictions, and
- Actionable requirements (where applicable) including: registrations/notifications, recordkeeping, reporting (products placed on market and/or used product returns), take-back programs, waste collection targets, procedures/plans, and others.
- Tasks accomplished – Project kick-off/training; Drafting of Registers; Review/QAQC; Submission to Client for comment/review; Finalizing Registers.
- Antea Group’s US-based management team included seasoned Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) regulatory Project Managers and EPR Subject-Matter Experts. Local Inogen Alliance consultants for each jurisdiction included local EHS regulatory experts.
Client Benefits
- Outcome achieved was 27 comprehensive English-language EPR registers, in Microsoft Excel and specifically formatted to client scope.
- Client benefit was significant enhancement of in-country EPR data and regulatory intel for 27 countries of high-priority jurisdictions according to the client’s risk profile and other internal criteria.
- Based on the review of a complex set of applicable regulations, a summary of explicit, actionable EPR regulatory requirements were delivered to the client in a comprehensive and clearly-worded manner for 27 concurrently-developed and staggered EPR Registers, while adhering to the tight client timeline. One noteworthy complexity of this assignment was the very broad product scope due to the exhaustive array of products that the client handles worldwide.
- Project experience further formalized a consistently-scoped, global approach to provide ERP regulatory data gathering, assessments, and consulting, including project management (Antea Group) in coordination with local Inogen Alliance partners. Inogen Alliance teams also gained invaluable EPR consulting experience as a result of Antea Group significantly enhancing their global EPR regulatory data.
About the Client
Global technology and ecommerce retailer