Global Facility Optimization Supporting Sustainability Efforts
The client needed to optimize operations across their global operation to reduce their environmental footprint and reduce operating costs. To stay competitive and reduce environmental impact, ambitious resources (energy, water, material) reduction goals were set and a plan of action to establish baseline, identify conservation opportunities for execution, tracking progress was needed.
Antea Group assembled a team of Facility Optimization specialists to carry out a detailed interview with the client’s core-team, document current status, and create site visit action plans.
Sites visited included manufacturing, R&D, offices, and laboratories. Resource consumption baselines were established, and financial cost / benefits analysis were delivered for each site. Conservation opportunities identified ranged from:
o Employee Behavior change
o Low cost O&M practice such as regular compressed air leak repairs
o Capital expenditure projects to upgrade lighting system
o Infrastructure upgrade by replacing end-of-life cooling water system
o Electricity reliability and quality improvement using Combined Heat and Power system.
o Decarbonization of operation utilizing on-site solar
Best practices recommendations and easy to use Excel tools were developed and distributed across the client’s portfolio. Tools included:
o Energy Best facility management Practices Toolkit with playbook style manuals to identify, estimate, and guide facility personnel in implementing common energy saving opportunities.
o On site solar evaluation tool
o Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Conducted
The success of this on-going project contributed to achieving intermediate and long-term cost reduction and environmental impact reduction goals.
• Sites assessed around the world: 23 sites in 6 continents
• Number of Resource Conservation Opportunities (RCO) identified: 126 RCOs
• Cost Savings: $4,682,000/year in savings (~15% of total energy spend)
• Annual CO2 Savings: 30,600 Metric Tonnes ( ~$650 invested / Metric Tonne)
• Average Payback: 23.5% ROI (~ 4.3 years payback)
Global Medical Device and Health Care company