Global Self-Audit Root Cause Analysis and Trending
The client used a new software protocol to have global EHS manager complete a self assessment. The data was unexpected and the client needed support to:
1. Review the findings and ensure that the regulation applied to their unique facility operations
2. Complete a root cause for the findings
3. Trend the data by facility type, country, region and global operations to look for common trends to help see where corporate policy change and/tools would support the EHS managers to have a sustainable EHS compliance program.
4. Create a tool, in the language of the country, to help the EHS manager using the protocol on what the focus of each section protocol is and the necessary documents to be reviewed to determine compliance.
Inogen Alliance through associate Antea Group was able to work with the global consultants to validate findings, identify where the protocol has been erroneously apply, and work with site EHS managers to complete a root cause analysis for valid findings. Antea Group's data trending team was able to then visualize the data showing priorities, topics/subtopics by location and business unit to find corporate, region and/or local solutions to then create a strategic plan to close gaps.
Validation of findings with local consultant
Help EHS manager understand what EHS requirements are applicable to their facility
Provided a Value Add opportunity to have a local consultant support the EHS manager to understand applicable regulations
C-suite and Regional leader data trending to validate strategic plan to gain compliance.
Global technology and ecommerce retailer