Global Technology Company Legal Registers in 20 Countries
During 2021 the client identified a need to refresh their global compliance program and through our Inogen Alliance partnerships, we were appointed as part of a wider global project to develop environment, health and safety (EHS) legal registers for their office locations. The client’s existing legal registers were considered to be very generic and not reflective of their activities, therefore required the new legal registers to be bespoke to their operations. The registers would subsequently be uploaded into Associate denxpert's global EHS software tool to which they subscribe.
We provided tailored legal registers to establish which legal provisions apply in which set of conditions, and how to interpret those compliance obligations.
When developing a legal register, it is important to fully understand the client’s activities and responsibilities as legal registers must be specific and bespoke to the individual client’s operations as well as to the country in which they operate. For the UK in particular, there are 4 different jurisdictions which all have different rules and these must be reflected in the legal registers. You cannot assume that one legal register will be applicable for all 4 jurisdictions.
Bespoke EHS legal registers were developed for the client’s 35 office locations. All registers were created by our in-country compliance specialists through the Alliance and then reviewed by the teams at Antea Group USA to ensure consistency and quality. The registers only included compliance requirements which were relevant to the client's operations in each location, therefore removing unnecessary compliance obligations.
Strong client relationships were developed and Inogen Alliance have now been contracted to conduct EHS compliance assessments for the client’s global locations to assist with identifying evidence of compliance and also ensuring the legal registers are as site specific as possible.
This project highlighted the strong partnerships existing throughout the Inogen Alliance.
Across Inogen Alliance, the legal registers were developed for all the client’s global locations and then collated to understand compliance requirements. Delta-Simons and Antea Group USA worked together to coordinate the collation of the registers for all locations, conducting a review of each register before submission to the client.
Strong client relationships were developed and Inogen Alliance have now been contracted to conduct legal compliance assessments for the client’s global locations to assist with identifying evidence of compliance. Our Inogen Alliance colleagues will complete compliance assessments at all global locations following a consistent methodology under the direction of Delta Simons and Antea Group USA.
Global Technology company