GRI Compliant Sustainability Report
The client needed support in redefining its sustainability strategy and integrating ESG features into its business. Furthermore, the client needed assistance to map and communicate with its local stakeholders and increase its licence to operate in the area. These actions concluded in the development and update of a Sustainability Report in line with international standards.
HPC Italia worked to support the client in the definition of a sustainability strategy and the realization of its first sustainability report, in line with international GRI standards, and for the update of the report in the following year. Specifically, HPC has provided both desk and field support by performing the following:
- Context Analysis
- Stakeholder mapping and analysis
- ESG materiality analysis, 40 ESG issues were identified by profiling the company, determining its impacts and analyzing relevant documentation within the field of ESG reporting (SDGs, Global Compact, GRI standards, World Bank’s Guidelines, ISO 26000)
- Stakeholder engagement, through the submission of a questionnaire to 443 internal and external stakeholders, and dedicated workshops with the top management. Via the questionnaires, stakeholders were engaged in defining the main ESG issues to be addressed, out of the 40 previously identified by the desk analysis
- ESG materiality analysis update following the engagement, to identify main ESG issues
- Communication and reporting, drafting of communication material and technical posters to communicate main findings and information on remediation activities to the stakeholders
The client obtained a crucial instrument through which sustainability efforts may be better communicated, under a transparent and internationally recognised reporting methodology, thus allowing for improvements in the relationship between the client and local stakeholders. Moreover, the activity has allowed for the collection of information on the company's sustainability performance and contributions by stakeholders, which will prove crucial in allowing for more informed decision-making at a company-wide level.
Glencore (Portovesme)