September 2018: Inogen Associate Meeting
Our next Inogen Associate Meetings will be in Vancouver, Canada, hosted by Terrapex. Inogen Associates, please join us! dates: September 24th and 25th, 2018.
Register now at the “Inogen Events” App, where you will find most of the information related to the next Inogen Associates meetings. Just download, update or open the App in your mobile or tablet and register your name as Inogen Associate OR follow this link on your computer. Make sure to choose all the events that you would like to attend. The check back every couple of weeks to see what new information is available.
Before you download the App on your mobile or tablet: Check that you have at least this version of your operative system: iOS (operative system of iPhones): 8.0 and Android (operative system for Androids): 4.4.2.
If it is the first time that you are downloading the App: You will need a verification code, contact liliana [dot] cruz [at] anteagroup [dot] com (liliana[dot]cruz[at]anteagroup[dot]com).
If you have registered before for other Inogen Events on the App: You do not need to create your user again, only click on “Already registered? Click here!” and enter your information.
Updates: We suggest that you allow Inogen Events App to send you notifications about updates. You will see this question when you download the App.
Looking forward to see you there!